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Run a local chain

Goal: run a local chain for development and testing purposes.

1. Clone the Warden Protocol repo

git clone

2. Build the chain

cd wardenprotocol
make install-wardend

This will build the chain binary called wardend and install it in your $GOPATH.

3. Run the chain

Option 1. Using ignite

This option is recommended for development purposes.

ignite chain serve -p warden --home ~/.warden -v

Option 2. Using devnet snapshot

This option is recommended for testing purposes and doesn't require installing other tools such as ignite.

Download the devnet snapshot and extract it to ~/.warden:

mkdir ~/.warden
tar -xvf devnet.tar.gz -C ~/.warden

Tip: we have other snapshots available at that can be used as alternative starting points.

Then run the chain:

wardend start

4. Confirm the chain is running

You should see some logs everytime a new block is produced, every second.

You should also be able to query the chain, and find some data from the genesis block:

$ wardend q warden keychains

- admins:
- warden16hmn8nh3fn79ce53fxdmp6p7fpp4mdncf70xug
creator: warden16hmn8nh3fn79ce53fxdmp6p7fpp4mdncf70xug
description: WardenKMS
id: "1"
is_active: true
- warden1phhmc2wkx0h4qdnuh0me47xlkgh3rnk8zayxnk
total: "1"